Busy Busy Busy with FUN!!!
Dec was filled with laughter, joy and craziness... a very eventful yr indeed.
In a blink of eye. i've been flying for more than a yr. Despite some shitty flights with horrid peeps, jet lags, rubbish sleeping patterns, i've generally enjoyed my past 1 yr. I really appreciate the chance to travel the world, my crazy shopping and those unforgettable sightseeing n of course my off days. Well, no life and job is perfect. without rain, there wouldn't b rainbow isnt it??
2008 is a new year.. was so busy to set any resolution yet. shall do it b4 CNY , hopefully.
Full of excitement for the new year, but full of uncertainties too esp for my career plan. I gave myself 2 yrs to travel the world, to experience a life no one else can imagine. 2 yrs is gonna be up by Aug. Will i be able to leave my comfort zone, to lead a 9-5 life( or rather 9-9 life) ? how m i gonna cope with the pay cut? Shall i pursue a career or a free n easy lifestyle?? Etc n etc.. Ah,,,,watever.. i shall take a step at a time n enjoy all i can now.hee..
Finally truckloads of celebration pics!!!!!
Shall start with 15 dec on my trip to Sydney to finally meet up with AIwen n shuosi..
Been a yr since i last saw em. no moment of silence, was soo soo happy to c em again. Miss u guys already.
Our spread of oysters n sashimi indulgence...awwww.
I reluctantly took neoprints in Sydney for Aussie 15 each.. daylight robbery..what to do? for u guys oni.wahaha.

ok ok more photos of my xmas n new yr cel to come!!! runnin late for my bkk flight le.gtg..
oh yesh n a preview of my new bombastic hair which i did with jo in hkg...
@ kowloon hotel..
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