Monday, November 9, 2009


Blogger should really improve their photo uploading system. Uploading pics over here takes up just too much time. really you xin wu li.haha

Despite my lousy roster, i managed to change for taipei with steph and eat n shop n eat n shop!!!
1st stop. 新光三越 for nu bra!
Who can resist street food of Shi lin!
She insisted the oyster is done by xiao zhu for her..

And what we bought most! Masks from 我的美丽日记. Good buy!
i bought at least 6 boxes, 10 each inside.
Think its gonna last me for 1 whole year.
n i was lucky to have halloween off, Finally!
It's my 1st time celebrating halloween, and 1st time doing hen's night. Must say was really fun!
Haha, the siren and dare cards frm Gold coast were put into good use.
The bride to be had great fun too of cos, esp with our the "sexy" and Woohoo stripper.
Wassup next? Gonna be a super busy month. Totally in the festive mood but there are endless things to work on in order to embrace 2010.
The fun part coming right up have gotta be my NEPAL trip with the dance babes. We have been trying to do a trip since sec sch days, ironically it materialise only 10 yrs later. And i m glad it is going to happen after all! Cant wait manz! its a place i 've been waiting to explore too!

Right after that on my agenda comes Junwen's weddin, Brendon's wedding, my dearest Ghost's wedding, Zhihui's wedding( i m praying for an off day), Shuosi's wedding ( i hope i b able to drop by), one of my fave festival-XMAS!, my beloved only friend's hen's night and her dinner+ garden party which i am absolutely looking forward to!
Actually i love attending wedding dinners ( provided i am pretty close to). It's always a happy union of a couple in love, a great reason to dress up (which means u gt an excuse to shop), yummy food, and most of the time you get to catch up with friends and old friends!
Merry Xmas in advanced ( by the next entry, i bet xmas will b over.hiek)