Greetings from paris!!! i bet everyone had a great reunion dinner. i had an early one with my set of crew last nite. and on the actual day (paris time), i had the following.....

Milky seafood cup noodles frm japan, pineapple tarts and bah kwa from home! reunion with me myself and I.haha

the milky seafood is really good, it has quite a bit of taco pieces.yums but gets a little gelat towards the end.
i thought i am going to have a good rest in paris. but ended up 1st day was making my way to galleria to run some errands. it was a crazy saturday.
1st- i was suppposed to meet the crew at 1pm to go to the galleria mall but when i woke up,it was 1.15pm.i intended to nap for just half an hr.I was in i had to make my way to galleria alone, a place which i have never been and a distance from the hotel. i was thinking "aiya heck la might as well walk abt 15 mins to champ elysee to grab my friends' LV and go back". I, however decide to make my own way to galleria and look for the crew as i do not want to risk making my way back on a deserted path ALONE with one big LV bag . I cant afford to pay for my friend's LV bag.ha
So i asked for directions and got on a bus to galleria without knowing the exact bus stop. was glad the driver understand english, he directed me the stop and i got off,walked and asked for more directions. i got myself in galleria eventually.
me on the bus trying to smile but was actually on the balls in case i missed my stop.
2nd nightmare- LV was flooded. wasn't it suppose to be recession now??? i finally got the bag and wallet after 1 hr plus in the shop, jus waiting waiting and queueing.
3rd- i still need to queue again to get the form for tax another half an hr. But i was glad to bump into the crew at the mall, cos i realised i forgot to ask for the directions back to the hotel. i was already ready to just read the map and figured my way home.
by the time i got back to the room, it was already 6pm.
then was early reunion dinner with the set of crew... as the grp was big, our dinner only ended at 10plus pm after some rounds of wine. i concussed abt 11pm in my room.
our dessert for reunion dinner.

The precious bags that were not mine but am sure were stained with my blood and sweat.whaha
The next day, i wanted to rest rest and nua. lunch was just intended to be 2 or even just myself. ended up to be 4 . and i was dragged by my colleague to Champ Elysee. was thinking of just making a short trip there to look for some skincare prdts which hoh's sister is looking for. the short trip ended only at 7pm! i regretted going there seriously, too much time wasted in a group and the prdts i discovered, could actually be found just opposite my hotel. WTF.
the walk there made me visit arc de triomp for the 4th time.

noticed the south park sticker on the label.ha so lame.
the famous LV building along Champ Elysee
Side track a bit, some pictures from my last paris trip just in december.
so qiao i got rostered with lifeng and his bro.
Some of my fave pics from that trip.

the good company

chanel lovers can try this in their garden.
the ever mesmerising blinking tower.
Yeah , gonna sleep now and work my way back.then its home on chu er! cant wait!