Monday, November 9, 2009
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2:22 AM
Thursday, August 27, 2009
This is good stuff
I found my favourite inexpensive cleansing foam by accident. This smells totally nice, like strawberry, feels very comfy on e skin and doesnt dry out after cleansing. My mum even commented this is really good and feels almost e same as her SKII cleansing foam.
I chanced upon it on my last incheon trip, baviphat is a new korean brand and going for 30% off storewide so being the "cheap def must buy " me, i went in n ask the salesgal to recommend me one since i need a facial foam anyway.For goodness, after discount its only abt 6-7 bucks?
NO regrets since. so batch girls and anyone dropping by seoul next time, pls help me stock dis up! haha.. i hope for another korea flight soon.
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1:40 AM
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Am Back, I hope
The maintenance ppl are back. However still short handed.
Am at hoh's place now n it's really a bit of a chore to post pictures. Hoh's asleep, guess he's been tired out by the long hrs and demanding job.
Past few mths was crazy busy.Now still bit busy but also lazy.hiek.
I am absolutely into SATC whenever i have the free time. Watching that show makes me miss New York City, it is such a cliche girl's show, with all the love, sex, fashion talk but still i totally dig the show. the friendship within the girls are really amazing n they age so gracefully.
If u have seen the show, i tink it's such a waste for Carrie to miss out Aidan. I dunno whats she's thinking of. Ok its fictional, i just need a place to share my burning thoughts.haha. Well 3 more discs and i m done with the last season! I m so gonna watch that movie again, n i hope they are on the way to a 2nd movie..
Ok let's see, as my roster suxs e last few mths, there are limited pics of trips i can post. but there are a few, like my trip to korea and san francisco was a great one where i revisit fisherman's wharf.Shopped too much in korea so din managed to take much pics.
Oh yea, i finally finally managed to steal some time n go on a short hol with Hoh to phuket. I wished the trip was a little longer though. Was kinda rush. I wish one day , we could leave our job at the same time n go on a really long backpacking trip like say 3
anwa,I shouldnt really nd to blog abt my phuket trip cos the pics are up on facebook and its on Hoh's blog. hiek.
Something that got me a bit excited today! I dropped by orchard to trim my brows and passed by ION! wow seems lik lotsa new and fantastic shops coming our way.I dont usually shop in singapore but 1st time after so long , i actually feel like shopping!! N i shld nvr go out alone again, cos i saw dresses going on a 50% off at far east and i cant resist the temptations n got myself 2.
Excuses being : I have lotsa wedding dinner to attend this yr. haha. Am i entering the age, or does it happen that most of my friends found the one abt the same time? I would wish its the latter.
Am entering into the later half year of excitements and events. Weddings of my close friends one after another, am so looking forward to em! Sep we have Qin n Ken, Nov I have ghost n 2 other, Dec i have zhihui's, n coming Jan i have only friend! N of cos I can't wait for my nepal trip in nov with my dance babes, our 1st trip tgther, am sure will b a darn gd one!
Looks like i have got a long essay done here, haha. ok i hope to gt some pics up next entry.hiek
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2:06 AM
Friday, May 22, 2009
Busy busy and very busy.
I wish I am a mutant now with super power. And wolverine will fall in love with me.
dream dream dream......
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1:00 AM
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
I was cleaning out my lappie and i saw this.
My uni time-table in '04. If i din remember wrongly, i did spend quite some time formatting the pictures and cartoons. I even included my tuition slots! Haha, those were the days.
My uni time-table in 05. gosh that was nearly 4 years back. And i remember my attendance for PR2202 was only 20%. out of the 20%, 100% I was at least half an hour late. My only reason to attend the lecture is because i felt guilty that i took this module with junwen but am always not around.haha.Guess what module that is-Cosmetics and perfumes. i love modules without tutorials.
& my favourite fairy cartoon is now still on my blog!!! some things never change.
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2:17 PM
Friday, April 3, 2009
Time check: 1.10am nanjing. No one to talk to at this hour. finally decided to clear some dust on my blog.

my room and the very hard bed

my 1st meal -banana

It's spring time!

All i felt was anger and heart ache. War made people crazy. Little pictures taken inside cos i was too engrossed with the pictures and history displayed.
Next up was Yangtze river and CHANGJIANG DAQIAO.

Qinhuai River

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1:04 AM
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Drama a not?
Back from holidays. Was a dramatic trip with my mum n siblings. One of the most tiring trips ever, cos i am the only coordinator and the tour guide. Me and mum had the most major quarrel on the last night of the trip. Bad bad one.. Was kinda hurting that things turned out that way.I've always wanted to bring my family on a holiday and finally got a chance to do it. unfortunately , we ended the trip with a bad note.
But fortunately, the 1st part of the trip was pretty fun, and i am glad me n bro could actually live in harmony.
Seriously, i feel kinda discouraged to go on a family trip again. But i want to go on one again, this time round with both my father and mum. Maybe to a resort or cruise where we can just relax or maybe on a tour where i need not worry about any planning. Next time will be better..but will take some time cos i need to save up all over again! haha
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10:57 PM
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Jetting off
Not an unusual routine, but this time round is my 1st time jetting off for a holiday as a tour guide with my family members!!!
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9:31 PM
Monday, January 26, 2009
Bonne anniversaire de chinois!
Greetings from paris!!! i bet everyone had a great reunion dinner. i had an early one with my set of crew last nite. and on the actual day (paris time), i had the following.....
Milky seafood cup noodles frm japan, pineapple tarts and bah kwa from home! reunion with me myself and I.haha
the milky seafood is really good, it has quite a bit of taco pieces.yums but gets a little gelat towards the end.
i thought i am going to have a good rest in paris. but ended up 1st day was making my way to galleria to run some errands. it was a crazy saturday.
The next day, i wanted to rest rest and nua. lunch was just intended to be 2 or even just myself. ended up to be 4 . and i was dragged by my colleague to Champ Elysee. was thinking of just making a short trip there to look for some skincare prdts which hoh's sister is looking for. the short trip ended only at 7pm! i regretted going there seriously, too much time wasted in a group and the prdts i discovered, could actually be found just opposite my hotel. WTF.
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5:11 AM