Milan time : 10.46AM (5.46PM -SIN)
Just woke up not long ago. yes @ a freaking 5pm sin time, but here I am. still considered an early bird.
Sneaked a few minutes of my stay in Milan now to blog about my last trip to ROMA.
My 2nd visit to ROMA happened just 2 months after my 1st visit. this time round, weather was welcoming!

I was supposed to catch a nap to energize myself after a long flt, but cant help to try my hands @ my new cammie.hiek
The bed i knocked out totally for 2 nights. room potraits to remind you where u are.
Drinking water. Lotsa such points ard rome

A nice cosy restaurant that serve not so nice food.haha. was too hungry to show you how hokkien mee the cabonara looked. the ambience did make up slightly for the awful meal.


What lies beneath.

This is St Peter's square. Notice the cloud of black hovering on top? was lingering around for quite some time. Could not figure if they are birds, insects or bats. quite scary.

i love this pic and the contrast between Newborn "A" and Iconic "A"udrey in the background.

Someone's hope left in Fontana della Barcaccia. i wonder who picks the coins up and what they do with it.

Fontana della Barcaccia

A nice cosy restaurant that serve not so nice food.haha. was too hungry to show you how hokkien mee the cabonara looked. the ambience did make up slightly for the awful meal.

Just me and the grey blue sky.
The queue was so much better in october, i managed to enter the St Peter Bailisca.
Don't think ang moh country, u can wear skimpy clothings.


What lies beneath.

This is St Peter's square. Notice the cloud of black hovering on top? was lingering around for quite some time. Could not figure if they are birds, insects or bats. quite scary.

Night fall

i love this pic and the contrast between Newborn "A" and Iconic "A"udrey in the background.

A rare Chinese restaurant around rome and our saviour for the night. Cost us only 6 euros for a 5 course satisfying dinner compared to the 10 euros "hokkien mee" carbonara.
Had a super good sleep and woke up to a cool sunny rome!
Vandalisim is a trait of italy. Loving the sunrays!

Spagna station.
The historic setting against the modern.
A warm cappucino to start my day.
MAcdonalds in rome
Traces of summer we see during Fall.
Italian brand, Gucci

Someone's hope left in Fontana della Barcaccia. i wonder who picks the coins up and what they do with it.
This is how the fountain in rome got rich in history.ha

Fontana della Barcaccia
Right after this, my camera went flat. totally flat. Was very upset, cos i really love to take more pictures of my fave spot in rome, the Trevi fountain. Thanks to my colleague for the rest of the pics!
Trevi, the richest fountain.
I will be back again. With my loved ones the next time round i hope.
The cool stairway of Louis Vitton, it switches to its logo some of the time.
Santa Maria della Concezione dei Cappuccini, also called Chapel of the Bones. I swear i was not smiling by the time i stepped in.
Each time i see these pictures, my hairs will stand. It is indeed very very creepy.
Undeniably, it's an unique sight no one should miss. The crypt was finely decorated with bones of Capuchin friars over many many years. And some of the figures look mummfied with faces..
Next, we went colosseum and some roads are closed due to the massive demostration.
I have no idea what the demostration is about . i just joined in for fun.ha..
waited abt 40 mins for the rest to go in cos i've been in there. sat and walk around to enjoy the weather and people watch.
Headed on to Basilica di San Giovanni