i have a secret to tell, i dreamt of 贺军翔 last night. whahahaha.. yes i had a pic of his poster in my recent entry.
i was talking to him and got his signature. i was damn starstruck in my dream , very excited but i acted nonchalent in front of him..before i could have time to know him better, i woke up.. duh..
ok hoh forgive me. i m just a little fan...u know u r always the one...hee
i can't believe i am still like that at age 25. i guess only roast piggy and zhao understand. 哈哈哈
Friday, August 22, 2008
granted by
2:08 AM
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
new york new york
yesh..i managed to change flight to do the super draggy and long new york with steph.
we had a great time shopping and chatting to bed.
fit ass at abercombie shop.
woeiling met us on the 2nd day to continue shopping!
miss this girl already. her last long flight.. less one khaki for flying.
then within the same month. i went new york again, this time via frankfurt. i used to dislike that place cos there was this time when i did frankfurt for consecutive so many months. pretty boring place but food was pretty good.
this home made yoghurt is superb!
i slept through my 1st day in new york.woke up at 3am and was amazed by the crowd at this hr.
it was a long and lonely night.
my 2nd day in new york was spent looking for my friends and brother stuff but as usual ended up buying myself.haha.
was in a very good mood after this flight cos i m off for my hols.ok next post will be my long awaited hols!
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2:58 PM
Monday, August 18, 2008
Summer in paris 20-22june
okok..finally a post like after months. so after my 1st LAX trip, i got a taipei flight after almost a yr! so happy. i love taipei, for their food , for their hospitality and the vibrancy.
n of cos the handsome taiwanese idols.whahah.
n i spotted my current fave! mike he..hoho.
after which, i got paris and coincidentally its a weekend and yewzhen wanted a short trip to paris...so tada, so happy to have company for travelling. revisted some of the places and was a different experience from winter paris earlier.
wonderful lunch @ leon mussels after 3 hrs of slp.
hippie macdonalds.
we spotted a model alone one of e bridges. cool
opps, yewzhen peeing in public!
yeah..i pushed her down. ms armstrong.
camera self shot 1 @ lourve. and some ppl just walked past. -_- but its pretty candid!
ok a good shot!
some silent strike at the square near louvre.
we went effiel tower in the evening to catch the blinking effiel.
effiel tower is such a great photo-taking site. we couldnt stop the shutter of our cameras.
what a crowd to witness the effiel light up.
yea we r trying to kp effiel straight.
finally at near 11 pm, the sun set.
long wait. winter blinking effiel is more alluring due to the dark sky. this time round was still bit too bright for it.
next morning was effiel again, but we wanted to conquer the tower. summer was a long queue.. we waited abt 40 mins to get to the lift.
reminds me of central park new york.
i love this postcard.
sunny n cheerful day.
yew zhen is half as tall as effiel.
she's as tall as effiel!
noon time, we went some market which i forgot the name..was blazing hot.
r we really in paris??? or africa?
a new sight seeing place for me, Basilica of sacred Heart at mont martre.
a very self high lady dancing.
its like green and dirty..but makes the picture beautiful.how ironic.
i managed to capture such a sweet scene!
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4:33 PM