you cant see the blood but it's bleeding terribly inside....
Wound is nicely nursed...
off for a week.. gotta wake up for flight in like 4 hrs time..totally dread it. cant wait to touch down in tokyo on 27th to meet e gang... pls fast forward time. (jus for this wk)
Thursday, March 20, 2008
i see blood inside
granted by
10:32 PM
Some catching up
Finally met up with zhihui after like 2 years?? We r still the same when we meet. no awkwardess , a lotsa catching up. n at our 老地方,JP. Cant wait to meet up with u again , gal.
e ex colleagues.
MArch hols , and e teachers n i managed to take some time out for usual activity, high tea, finally at somewhere else besides mariott.
Food was good though spread din look as great.
me and junwen @ goodwood park.
me n fellow njcian dancer. alina. sorry for the very belated pressie. will def b in time for our next gathering.
granted by
7:39 PM
Flying is only lovely with them around
I am really quite lucky to be rostered with my batchies, and aso fortunate that we managed to change flights to do togther. Nothing beats having a companion in a foreign country, and someone who chats with u to bed.
My 2nd flight with Jo after hkg sfo. She's so lame n funny. really miss those crazy times in hongkong with her. this time round was a jarkata night stop. ok very outdated. this was in Jan.
us @ the hotel lobby. Just came back from a powerful 2 hrs javanese massage.
Our candlelight dinner @ the room. Shiok nasi goreng.
The next day was a link flight to London..
Gloucester station
We bought our tics for Les miserables for abt 27 pounds. quite a gd deal. I hate to say , but i dozed off abt half e play. was not too bad, but maybe slightly draggy. quite tired by the time we reached e theatre. the subway broke down midway and we had to rush to gt a cab which was stuck in a jam. was a frantic rush.
Jo said" wah lau, i rather pay to sleep inside than we missed half e play" . luckily we were allowed to enter after 10 mins into e show but indeed she slept inside.whahaha.
us walking ard convent garden. sum cute t shirt shop n dat's london map bhind us.
these r real life models with bra cups from A-DD @ La senza. damn cool. n cute A model is damn chio.. they have perfect n flawless skin.slurp...
And for my manchester flight in feb. just as i thought i gonna have a boring day alone shopping, i saw audrey who touched down when i was going for breakfast @ the hotel. My mood was immediately lifted!! She damn power, nvr sleep a wink after 14 hours of flight and joined me for breakfast n shoppin right after washing up.
need i say more, our bargain buys in primark @ manchester.
Beautiful roses i spotted selling in marks n spencer.
n both of us bought a hello kitty PJs for 5 pounds @ a sale at H&M. damn cute n cheap.whaha. original price is 15 pounds can.
My next long flight is London again in Mar. Was rostered with one of Lil Steph's best friend Jasmine. Steph was so nice to change over to our flight.
Somehow or rather, we managed to squeeze 3 in a room very comfortably with our wacky ideas.had a good few hours of sleep b4 we head to Bayswater for good Ducky.
Getting ready to cheong Primark and buy ticks.A proof that woman always apply makeup with her mouth open.wahhaha.
Phatom of the opera was awesome!!! I m so proud . i didnt fall asleep at all!!!but i know the 2 young gals din like it as much, mayb they r still too young for it.whaha.anyway, i loved the stage effects to bits. the sudden appearance of the phatom, the rowing of the boat across the stage was so real and e falling chandelier. The backdrop was damn good too!! I enjoyed myself a lot for this musical. Ok my next london, i want to catch Dirty dancing on stage. Shall search for the movie to watch 1st.
Super beautiful blend of the blues... ok besides that, i was a lot slimmer then.pui.. I MUST GO ON DIET!
granted by
4:44 PM
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
My girlie phone
granted by
6:49 PM
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Amsterdam 30Jan-2feb
Noticed the hooks on top of the houses? They are used for moving furnitures into the houses through the windows. most of the houses have narrow and winding stairway that is almost impossible to move any furniture up the stairs.
My last stop was the sex museum.
granted by
7:45 PM