Am i jus Shuay or am i Damn SHUAY???
I LOST MY MOBILE!!!!! how happening can that be?! i really wanna kill myself n die on e spot. I left it on the cab i suppose.. on my way home from e airport. i know the driver , but all my bloody contacts are in my mobile. Apparently i cant contact anyone!!! except miss goh zhaoying whom i frantically called to gt my batch girl no to ask for e cab contact.. but i bet she's sleeping like a log.
I AM SO ..soo...soo.. soo.. angry n upset now. It's the numbers i am most upset about!!! how am i suppose to contact my frens lik dat!! To think i still gotta meet em cuming week, I can't imagine i have to email em?? *FAINT*
It must be some stupid passenger at the back seat who took my phone. after 5 mins of calling, they shut my fone up. F*CK! I curse they will slip on a banana skin and broke my phone & theirs!
Anyway this yr really 犯太岁。。This is the 2nd time , n hopefully the LAST time i lose sumthing impt & costly. i lost my samsung camera beginning of this year when its not even an yr old. Worse, my poor lil fone is oni 5 mths old. I haf no idea how he's gonna survive under the hands of a cruel beholder. I hope they will mail me my sim card at least. If they r really so "kind" , i hope they will jus slip on an apple skin then.. - _-
Most ironic thing, I jus bought a nice and sparkling Paris Bijoux Swarovski crystal stunned handphone chain for my lil phone. (meant to be ghost bdae gift but i liked it so much i bought 1 for myself too)
i so wanna cry....
Saturday, June 30, 2007
granted by
10:26 AM
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
2 Traffic infringements within one holiday!!! WTH..
Aussie TP got nothing better to do is it!!!!!!!!!!!
Now i know why the other cars crawl on the bloody highway.
ARGHHH..Total waste of $$$..
granted by
6:56 PM
Monday, June 25, 2007
There goes my weekend...
I thought only OLs (its office lady in case u r wondering ) will have monday blues, but i am having it right now. Arhh..i hate this feeling!!! To be exact, this is pre-flight blues. And i am feeling worse knowing my hohhoh is dying of heatstroke on his army bunk bed. Both of us were discussing how to take an MC just now, so that he can skip camp while i can skip work and we can be together!!!.. Whaha .fat hope.. arhhh.. so wish he's with me right now.
Anyhow, it was still a nice weekend. Ghost Pre Bdae session with Bibibabibu n Precious time with Hohhoh
And my camera went dead. 4 of us by my HP.
We were so bo liao...we did this...
Presenting to you, the most fashionable look of the year 2007 --- Centerparting!!!
The sexiest look by fang
With Flash
The best thing..its pink and orange inside! hoho i like.
Trying his suit b4 he book in
Lastly, i had steamboat with my sis for supper. And dat's hoegarden in my hands.
Ain't I such a man?!
granted by
2:43 AM
Friday, June 22, 2007
Finally.. i got my uniform measurements done..finally i met up with liqin after 1 yr..n finally le shine is open but they are charging me 25 bucks to clean my wallet. Shall reconsider.Maybe i can do some research n clean the wallet myself.
Met up with Steph to gt our uniforms done ytd. Nice lady from dainty damles. Purposely had our meals b4 we went for measurements. We wanted looser kebayas.
I've been suffocating in my kebaya for mths. It's a warning I should slim dwn. But i rather make my new uniform looser..whahah.. I m such a food addict.
granted by
5:15 PM
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Lead a high life today. Of cos its once in a while la...
Went mariott again for high tea with the 2 maths teachers. We figured that those who have time to enjoy high tea on a weekday must be either a teacher, air crew or Tai tais. And indeed we saw our jc teachers n i bump into a table of air crews.
Me and a fresher alina with short tresses!
Was a Great day out.lotsa walking though, cos 3 of us just cant come to an agreement where to chill out.
It must b a place where:
1- No Smoking ( set by alina & i support it)
2- Must have aircon ( Sorry , but the humidity is killin me)
3- Seats must be cushioned ( JW has a delicate butt)
4- Must be dark & serves alcoholic drinks (Me & JW r in e mood)
5- Hopefully there's life band or soothing music ( Very Act like)
Thus, TADA!!!
We finally settled dwn @ wisma indochine for sum drinks. Sounds easy right but we took ard an hr. Short legs maybe.
Both cheated
I like the ambience , minus the mosquitos n the lousy service.
Anyway, this is 3 mths ago... on 16mar07
I hope we can meet try sumthin new next time...
granted by
4:19 AM
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Boredom is grey. Boredom is excess time to yourself. When was the last time i had time to myself? Other then overseas of cos, that i have ample time, wat i mean is time at home to myself. The last time was probably during my uni days when i skipped classes.
Looks like my mum's complaints are very real. I wasnt a very homely person since young. I love camps, excursions, overseas trips, chalets, stayovers etc. I have to admit i don't exactly miss home.
Now that i am flying, i spend one third of my time overseas, more than 1 /3 of the time with hohhoh , and less den 1/3 of the time at home. For my past 1 yr of flying, i m so used to touched dwn , go out , find hohhoh , meet friends etc. Now dat my hoh is doing reservist, i thought not too bad, maybe it's time to settle whatever pending matters i need to do @ home.
But I m sooo bored and lazy to do anythin now. and i miss him already.After all i have been away in london for 4 days. Most of the time i look forward coming back to sin and catching up with him.Not this time though. Boring.
And worse he's gonna be away in New york for the next 2 mths. In dat case, i shall finish all my dvds, clean up my messy room, kp myself in shape (hardest to do) , update my resume, do some housekeeping and accompany my grandma to the market! Hmm sounds like lotsa things to do afterall. Meanwhile let me nua 1st.haha
oh yes , planning to bring my mum n sis to Hongkong. I am excited but i hope it wun burst my wallet.Bsides that kuku sis of mine is so looking forward to it. i haf to wait for my new roster to b out tml n work out the plan n budget .hope everythin will b in place, wun wan to disappoint her.
n yesh , high tea with junwen n alina tml ! like that where got time to stay at home? ironic
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2:44 AM
My Virgin Post
My Virgin Post
It's a much awaited post, for myself at least. Many a time , i feel like penning sum things dwn but i jus can't gt started. Mainly because i m too fussy. I want something that is more personalised, a skin i feel comfortable in yet i m lazy to explore more choices.
Well, this is the best so far, not my favourite skin but at least the least efforts needed to personalised it.
Ignore the blog title -"beauty". I can't change it. I wld go for a "Fairyland" but oh wells.. Welcome to my fairyland. haha
granted by
1:56 AM